
June 12, 2023

A Cozy Coastal Monterey Family Session

Words cannot even begin to express how honored I was when esteemed wedding photographer Carlie Statsky contacted me for a family session the summer before her oldest went off to college. Not only is Carlie an incredibly talented photographer, she has also served as a patient, supportive mentor to me and to say that I was flattered beyond belief when she reached out is an understatement. I had so much fun with Carlie and her gorgeous family and our time together reminded me just how much I love capturing families with older children. When it comes down to it – the same tips and tricks that I use with the toddlers works just as well with the older kids (although, the buy in may take just a tiiiny bit longer ;)). The love that Carlie & Gabe share together is so admirable and beautiful – their smart, genuine, down to earth (grown) babies are a true testament to what an amazing duo they are. Enjoy these scenes from our cozy beach session together ♡

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Whether I’m out making magic with real moms like you or I’m behind my keyboard, sharing tips and tricks for photo sessions, life as a family photographer and mom is a beautiful adventure.

sharing stories from the field

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